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Empowering the health literacy of deaf adults: the launch of the IDEAL project
We are pleased to announce the launch of an innovative project called IDEAL – Increasing DEaf Adult health Literacy through innovative methodologies. The project aims to address the critical lack of accessibility of health information for Deaf adults, promoting inclusivity and diversity in adult education.
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The IDEAL project, which stands for “Increasing the health literacy of deaf adults through innovative methodologies,” is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at increasing health literacy and improving access to crucial health information for deaf adults across Europe. The project addresses the critical issue of limited availability of health-related resources and information tailored to the unique needs of the deaf community.

The project will develop innovative learning materials and methodologies tailored to deaf adults, including a comprehensive educator handbook and a blended health literacy program using interactive methods. Awareness-raising videos produced in sign language by deaf adults will disseminate vital health information. A user-friendly web platform designed for accessibility will host all learning materials and videos. Training events for healthcare professionals will enhance communication skills with deaf patients, fostering a more inclusive healthcare environment.
The IDEAL project recognizes the substantial barriers that deaf adults face in accessing health information and services. It aims to rectify this issue by creating a comprehensive ecosystem of resources, training, and support that directly addresses the unique needs of the deaf community. By focusing on health literacy, the project seeks to empower deaf adults to make informed decisions about their health, ultimately leading to improved well-being and health outcomes.

The IDEAL project brings together specialised organisations in Europe, each with a unique expertise to contribute to the project. The project is led by seven organisations from Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary.
The IDEAL project is scheduled to run from 2023 to 2025, with co-funding provided by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The expected impact of the project includes greater social inclusion, improved health outcomes, and the empowerment of deaf adults by providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their health effectively.

Innosign s.r.o
Presov, Slovakia
A leading coordinator, specializing in innovative solutions for the deaf and sign language users.

UZG - Institute for Health Literacy
Prague, Czech Republic
An expert research body contributing to knowledge dissemination.
Madrid, Spain
State Confederation of Deaf People. We fight for equal opportunities for deaf people.

Budapest, Hungary
A social enterprise empowering deaf professionals in the digital economy.
Masaryk University - Teiresiás, Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Brno, Czech Republic
A renowned institution with expertise in deaf education.

Associazioni Unite dei Sordi della Regione Umbria - AUSRU
Perugia, Italy
A dedicated deaf association promoting cultural, social, and educational activities.
Perugia, Italy
An experienced adult education provider with a focus on activities involving deaf adults as well.

Institute for Regional Development
Praha, Czech Republic
Promotes the development of European regions and the international exchange of know-how and experience and education of key players in various areas.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project n. 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000102228